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Parking, one of the challenges of deliveries

Vehículos estacionados

Let’s imagine a situation: your fleet of vehicles is delivering in Madrid, a delivery is made in a narrow street in the Lavapiés neighbourhood, with cars parked on both sides of the road and packed to the brim. The same old problem: How can we park in order to be able to deliver the order? […]

Improved customer satisfaction thanks to last mile

Entrega de paquete a domicilio

Last mile plays a vital role in customer satisfaction. It is at this last point in the supply chain that businesses have to demonstrate the quality of their service and, of course, their products. The work and costs associated with each unit sold will have been in vain if the latter fails to arrive on […]

Customisation of cargo boxes in last mile vehicles

cargo boxes in last mile vehicles

A cargo vehicle, whatever its type – quadricycle, compact van… – will always offer different sizes and capacities. Choosing one or the other to create or renew a business fleet will depend to a large extent on these characteristics. One of these customisation options stands out: cargo boxes.

Vehículos para el movimiento interno de staff en resorts

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ga ese momento en el que miles de personas comienzan a planear sus vacaciones de verano. Después de muchos meses trabajando sin descanso, es lógico pensar que lo que todo el mundo quiere es descansar y desconectar. Y son muchas las personas que se deciden por hacerlo en un resort: complejos turísticos repletos de espacios […]

The importance of the last mile in the Pharma sector

Sector pharma

Guessing how many challenges the Pharma sector faces in its last-mile service isn’t hard. It’s natural to think that the transport of pharmacy and parapharmacy merchandise involves greater risks than other types of merchandise due to the delicate nature of its products and the importance of keeping them in optimal conditions. So, ensuring safe delivery […]

What is regenerative braking and how to make the most of it

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Are you thinking about incorporating electric vehicles with regenerative braking into your last mile logistics fleet? There are many advantages that this type of transport can bring to your home delivery service. And, without a shadow of a doubt, committing to this system will make a difference in terms of the performance and optimisation of […]

Advantages of electric vehicles with a removable battery

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Removable batteries are already a reality in electric vehicles such as motorcycles, bicycles or tricycles. The future has become the present and removable batteries have become the way to go for manufacturers. And for good reason. Their use affords great advantages: they constitute a sustainable alternative and vehicles with this portable system are accessible to […]